HPU Discovery

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This interactive tutorial is designed to assist you with finding library materials using HPU Discovery. Navigate this tutorial using the arrows below.

HPU Discovery is our search platform, where you can search for books, articles, videos, and more from a single search interface. 

HPU Discovery is the main search box displayed on the HPU Libraries web portal. Let's explore some of the main features available in HPU Discovery. 

Find Books

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Step One: Basic Search for Books

To search for a specific type of material, utilize the different tabs options above the search box. If you want books, select the "Books" tab, to restrict your search to books only. 

If you are not looking for a specific type of source, you can leave the default as "Everything." 

Try the following Books search: "Homelessness in America"  then click on the "Search" button.

Find Books

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Once your search is complete, you will see a list of results. On top of your result list, there are other results displayed in blue rectangle boxes. These are from different databases that are in sync with HPU Discovery.

You can explore those results as well by clicking any of the boxes links, which will take you to that specific database with those particular results.  

Your HPU Discovery results will be listed under those blue box database results. You can change how your results are displayed by changing the options in the "Sorted by" drop-box menu. 

HPU Discovery will list all your results items by Relevance as the default.

result displayed

HPU Discovery Filters

1 of 3Step Two: Filter Your Searches

From your result list, notice the different formats of books displayed on the left side of your results. 

The "Filter" options on the left side, can help you narrow your searches further by formats such as eBooks, year of publication, or topic/discipline.

One of the filter options is the category of Library. The default is Hawaii Pacific University. If you want to explore other sources that we do not have access to, you can select Libraries World Wide. 

Scroll down to see all the other filter options you have in HPU Discovery.

Give it a try! Filter your results to "Print Books."

HPU Discovery Filters

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Step Three: Print Books 

Print books are physical paper copies of books located either at our Library at Waterfront on the downtown campus or Atherton Library on the Hawaii Loa campus. 

Each print book should display if the book is available, the library location of the text, and the call number to find it in the library stacks. 

book snip information

It is essential to get all the information listed to find the book in the library. The alphanumeric code at the end is the call number, and it is the physical address of the book. 

Can you locate the call number of a book from your result list?


HPU Discovery Filters

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If you find a print book on the campus you do not usually visit, you can request the book to be sent to the HPU library closest to you. 

To do so, click on the title of the book you are interested, and look for the "Place Hold" button under the "Check Availability" section. 

record of book showing check availability and place hold button

You will be prompt to log in, the username and password is your MyHPU.edu login. You can then proceed to an online form where you have the option to choose the most convenient pick-up library.  

Note: Currently one of the options is Meader Library, select that option for the Library at Waterfront.

Find eBooks

If you want to find eBooks, you can either go back to the result list or click "View Filters" and change the filter option from Print Book to "eBook."

To access eBooks, you need to click on the "View eBook" button displayed under Held by Hawaii Pacific University

view Book link option

You should be launched to another window where the database that offers access to the eBook will be opened.

We subscribe to several databases that provide eBook access, so the look will vary from platform to platform.

Try accessing an eBook from your result list!

Note: If you are off-campus you will be prompted to authentication pop up screen, enter your MyHPU.edu username and password. 

Find Other Library Materials

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You can find other online sources like articles and streaming videos using HPU Discovery.

Just deselect the filter option by clicking on the "X eBook." HPU Discovery will then give you everything it found using your search terms with no format filter in action. 

unfilter x option 

HPU Discovery also retrieves sources from several of our subscribed databases, which allow you to discover a variety of sources in one platform. 

Find Other Library Materials

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Articles and streaming videos are accessed the same way that eBooks are. Click on the "View full text" button for articles and the "View now" option for streaming videos to be launched to the database that provides access to that item. 

link to view full text displayed

view now link displayed

Give it a try! See if there are any articles or streaming videos you can access from your result list. 


Research Help

Have further questions or need help finding sources using HPU Discovery?

Please contact your Reference Librarians via email at reference@hpu.edu or via the Ask A Librarian chat available 24/7.

We are here to help with your research needs!


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