This tutorial is designed to help you find specific articles in Google Scholar @ HPU. Advance through the tutorial using the arrows at the bottom of the box. Perform tasks using the pop up webpage on the right.

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature; articles, thesis, books, abstracts, patents, and court opinions.

Accessing Google Scholar @ HPU authenticates your off-campus computer and enables the Find It feature, which provides access to articles that the HPU Libraries subscribe to.

This is what Google Scholar @ HPU is doing behind the scenes.

HPU Full Text setting will work behind the scenes when searching Google Scholar @ HPU.

Note: Click on images to enlarge and see details.

Google Scholar

1 of 2We recommend using Google Scholar @ HPU to determine if HPU Libraries has access to specific academic journal articles.

Since Google Scholar only retrieves scholarly literature, this method is not recommended for popular, trade or newspaper articles, only academic journal articles.

In addition, Google Scholar @ HPU is not connected to our book holdings, so for access to academic books or book chapters you would need to search HPU Discovery

Google Scholar

2 of 2Whether you have a full citation or partial information for a journal article, Google Scholar @ HPU would help you locate the article itself.

We will try to find one article in this tutorial from the list of references below.

Advanced Scholar Search

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If you have the complete citation or know the exact title of the article, you can do a title search in Google Scholar by going to their Advanced Scholar Search feature.

The Advanced Scholar Search is available in the search box by clicking on the drop down arrow.


Advanced Scholar Search

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You can type the article in the first box, if the title is unique enough, or you can type it in the second box, which will search the words in the exact order.

Next, select the option "in the title of the article" where my words occur - then click the search icon.

advanced search screen of google scholar

Now you try it!

Go to the Advanced Scholar Search box and search for the title: Patient discharged from medium secure forensic psychiatry services.

Find it at HPU

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You should get one result. Sometimes when the article title is not unique enough you might get numerous results.

If you have the full citation you can spot other elements such as publication title, author(s) or year of publication, to corroborate that's the article you were looking for.

underneath title you will see author, journal and year info

If HPU has access to that article, you will see a link that says "Find it at HPU" on the far right side. Or if it is an open access resource, you would also see a link to the PDF or HTML of the article on the right side.

Find it at HPU link located on the right side

To access the article, click on the PDF link or the HPU Full Text link. Do not click on the article title link as that will take you to the publisher's site which will try to charge you for the article.

Now you try it!

Click on the Find It at HPU link.

Find it at HPU

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The Find it at HPU link will take you to our link resolver, showing which database(s) provide access to the article.

Click on the link View Full Text to take you to the article itself within that database.

Link resolver screen showing which databases provide access.

Because we have numerous databases, platforms will vary, but you want to look for the full article in HTML or PDF format. 

 Example of Open Access platform with link of PDF article.

Were you able to find the article?

If you have problems or you encounter an error when using the Find It link resolver, do not hesitate to Ask a Librarian we are available 24/7.

Interlibrary Loan

In case you do not see the HPU Full-Text link next to the article you want in Google Scholar, that means we do not have access to that particular article.

Do not lose hope, you can request the article through our Interlibrary Loan service (ILL).

Just fill out a Journal Article Request Form with your contact information, and the bibliographic information of the article (found in the citation).

If you didn't have the citation information to begin with, Google Scholar provides that for you.

Simply click the Cite link under the article excerpt to view the citation information of that article. If you do not see a cite option, click on More.

Cite link displayed under short excerpt of article along other options, if no cite option click on more option which will allow the cite option to be displayed.

Research Help

If you have any question about searching in Google Scholar @ HPU or finding other resources for your research projects, do not hesitate to contact a Librarian.

In person at Meader or Atherton Reference Desk
By phone at (808) 544-1133 or (808) 236-5803
By email at
Or via Chat Reference available 24/7

image of student searching and using Learning Commons at Aloha Tower.